DL2 20 hz software

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Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:18 am

DL2 20 hz software

Postby juancas » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:46 pm

juancas wrote:Hi,

I have a 20 hz DL2. When I installed the V.6 of the Analysis Software I had to change the code.bin file just to use the post-processed 20Hz-data in the GPS options. Now, with V.7 I don´t have this option and I don´t know if I have to change the codes file or not. How can I know if the software is using the 20 hz capability? Do I have to change the processserialdata.dll to get the data from the IMU? Can anyone help me?

thank you

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Postby RTUSA » Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:47 pm

Re 20Hz: The new software should already know that your serial # is 20Hz enabled. To test this, set Data > Analysis Options > GPS Options to "Use raw GPS data" and "Use post processed 20Hz data". Process some data, it will object if not enabled.

Re the IMU, I see variables available under Data > Variable Manager > Serial Variables that look like the IMU channels - try processing some IMU data with those enabled and see if that is the case.
Al Seim
Race Technology USA

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