Caution when using Quickgraph plotted against time

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Caution when using Quickgraph plotted against time

Postby pedroosan » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:46 pm


When pointing into a quickgraph plotted against time and displaying more than one lap, do NOT assume that you will point at the same time for each of the laps!

For example you may think that you click at X seconds into a lap and compare car locations on the track map for the displayed laps, but this is not what you actually see!

This only works when using a regular graph plotted against time.

The reason is, that in the quickgraph no matter what you plot, it will always be scaled to the full length of the window.
So a slow lap and a fast lap will end up taking the same size on the x-axis even when plotted against time!

See the picture if I am not clear enough.

Just stumbled across this, confused the hell out of me, until I figured out why it is happening.


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