Dash 3 Lap Time Oddities

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Dash 3 Lap Time Oddities

Postby evl » Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:00 am

A couple of weekends ago I got the DL-1/Dash3 to work great, lap times were flawless. This weekend I'm getting some odd behavior:

  • The lap time and best lap delta are always 0 when displaying the lap screen, although the predictive time works in the normal screens.
  • The lap marker seems to be at the end of the second sector, rather than the start of the 1st (saved the .LAP file from the analysis program w/ the lap marker at the S/F line)
  • The logging status doesn't display on the dash (although it does start logging properly though the auto-start condition)

I tweaked a couple of things on the dash layout between the last races, but I really can't see what would be causing this. (and of course, I didn't save my .HEX file to be able to go back)

Any tips?




Postby Support » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:44 am

Could you send us the DASH3 config file so we can have a look at it please? gummi(at)race-technology.com

There was also a new firmware for the DL1 released recently which makes lap timing more robust. Its worth checking whether the DL1 is running the latest firmware.

Information and firmware files can be fount here: http://www.race-technology.com/product_ ... 30545.html

Posts: 83
Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:41 pm

Postby evl » Wed May 04, 2011 12:52 pm

I thought all of this had been solved with firmware, but I'm seeing part of it again last weekend:

My lap screen pops up sometimes at the end of the first sector rather than the end of the last sector. Other times it seems to work. No difference between runs other than copying the data off the flash card. Same firmware, same LAP file, same config.

I do have auto start on, so maybe it's showing me the lap screen after the first sector marker it crosses rather than the one saved in the file?

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Postby racetec » Thu May 05, 2011 3:26 pm


Please can you send us some sample data files across?

If you email it to sales@race-technology.com we can get it looked at for you.



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