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alarm problem

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:07 pm
by rodgling
I've setup an advanced alarm on my dash2pro to go off when the fuel drops below 10%. I've set it to clear on button press, adjust threshold by -2% each time and allow permanently clear.

However: every time I upload it, the "clear on button press" box becomes unticked, so if I get a fuel alarm, it's on until I turn the dash off. Sometimes it gets unticked before I upload it so I think the corruption is happening on the PC.

This only happens for advanced alarm 7 - I moved it to position 8 with no other changes and now it seems OK.

However it's very worrying that the alarms aren't working properly - I'm a bit concerned that something else could be corrupted in the same way and I could potentially miss e.g. a low oil pressure alarm.

I can send a copy of the configuration I used if this will help you look into this?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:17 am
by Support
Hi There,

Yes, please could you send the configuration to my email address and I will look into this issue.

Could you also let me know what version of configuration software you are using?

Kind Regards,
RT Support (SK)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:39 pm
by rodgling
I've emailed you details, thanks

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:34 pm
by rodgling
I've figured out what is going on here, this is a UI bug in the config program.

When double-clicking the alarm to open the alarm window, for certain alarms the mouse is in the exact position as the tick box. The double-click is somehow affecting the window that opens after the double-click and causing the tick-box to be de-selected. If I move the mouse to the right hand end of the box when I double-click, it misses the check box and the problem goes away.

