Go Pro GPS Timestamp Aligning Video.

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Go Pro GPS Timestamp Aligning Video.

Postby dodyryda » Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:07 pm

Have a question regarding the GPS facilities on Hero 5 models upwards.

These now store various additional data alongside the video files include GPS timestamp information. Aligning the videos accurately alongside DL1 logs has always been a pain, so much so I can rarely be bothered to do it as it's so cumbersome. Now that (fairly) accurate GPS data is recorded alongside the video and is seemingly accessible ( https://community.gopro.com/t5/GoPro-Me ... pm-p/40293 ). I'm wondering if the analysis software has taken advantage of this yet to provide a simple and effective way of accurately aligning the video and recorded data.

I've attempted aligning via timestamp through analysis & ensuring time is set & accurate when recording via the GO-Pro App prior to recording data but it never correctly syncs. GPS alignment could surely solve this and would allow the addition of cameras in otherwise awkward or inaccessible places with accurate alignment without an in video reference. No additional hardware necessary either.

I may of missed an update if this has already been included but if not is this something that could be looked into urgently to simplify alignment of video & data..


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Re: Go Pro GPS Timestamp Aligning Video.

Postby racetec » Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:32 pm

Yes, this is something we are actively working on right now and it will be available in our software soon.

Please contact me directly (adele at race hyphen technology dot com) as we may be able to provide some test software for you in the meantime.

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