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Video Overlay (Dash4Pro + GoPro) - lap time problem

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:31 pm
by robmug
I'm using the standard F1_720p overlay, and have added additional digital display fields for sector and lap times.
However, I can't get anything other than 0.00 displayed for sectors or lap.
I've tried changing the field to (for lap time)
Current Lap Time (which just then displays the total lap time for that lap)
Time Into Lap

What am I doing wrong?
F1-overlay.jpg (59.76 KiB) Viewed 7373 times

Next question...
The F1 overlay puts the graphic on the left of the screen, midway vertically.
Is there any way to move it all down to bottom left corner?
All attempts to move just move one tiny aspect of it at a time and that'll a) take hours and b) mean it'll more than likely be out of alignment!

Re: Video Overlay (Dash4Pro + GoPro) - lap time problem

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:14 pm
by racetec

We can put together a new layout for you, email details of what you need to sales at race-technology dot com and I'll get it sorted out for you. Also note that the GoPro video handling is much improved in V10, so if you like I can get a test copy of that sent over so you can try it out.

Support (AH)

Re: Video Overlay (Dash4Pro + GoPro) - lap time problem

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:33 pm
by robmug
Thanks; email sent :-)