Installation in a Formula 5000
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Installation in a Formula 5000

Postby » Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:49 am

I am intending fitting my DL-1 and dash 3 to a customers Lola 332 Formula 5000.
The ignition system has a magneto fitted. Are there any special precautions I need to take or issues to be aware of?
I will use a battery rather than connect to the cars electrical system in any way.
Is connecting a wire to an ignition lead the best way to grab a spark trace?

I am quite familiar with the logger etc, simply have not dealt with magneto's before.

Shake and Bake baby

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Postby Trump » Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:58 am

I fitted a Performance Box to a Chevron F5000 last weekend for a meet in Melbourne. I used the cars electrics and it is fitted with a magneto.
Whilst the unit would work fine with the engine off, it would would not work with the engine running.
My question is similar then but with diff equipment.
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Postby » Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:20 pm

Reply from Race Technology FYI

"If the car has a capacitive discharge system then it can be very easy to damage the DL1. I would strongly recommand a seperate battery pack and mount the DL1 as far away from the ignition system as possible. The perfect solution would be not to connect any wires from the DL1 to car at all and to use a separete none contact crank trigger sensor for the RPM.

We really have no good experiance working with magneto\'s with capacitive discharge systems. Fitting the unit with a seperate battery pack and seperate none contact crank postion sensor would be the only way we can be sure the Dl1 will not be damaged."

Best regards,
Kieran Ironmonger
Race Technology

Another chap locally fitted a DL-1 to a F5000 and fryed it. I know he hooked to the car power supply and suspect he tried to pull a spark trace from one of the leads...
I'll let you know how I go.
Shake and Bake baby

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Postby Trump » Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:54 pm

Thanks for the info. I am fitting a Performance box, not a DL1 but think some of the problems are the same. Input on another forum indicated that as the engine is not fitted in a metal box, that I needed to fit a faraday box. He used alfoil to resolve the issue. I will use an aluminium box to enclose the unit.
Will you be at Eastern Creek for Tasman?
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Postby » Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:40 am

I have a non contact crank sensor on the way. Thanks for the 'heads up' on the faraday box. I'll do some research on these and make a call.
I won't be at Eastern Creek as I have a clash with our domestic series and I am otherwise committed. My guy Adam is spannering Tony Richards Lola 332 so they'll be there with bells on!
Shake and Bake baby

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