Video Licence and Comparing drivers

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Video Licence and Comparing drivers

Postby Jams » Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:31 pm


I have just got my DL1 (am just ordering the DASH3) and intend using it with a 3rd party video camera. I intend uning the video in conjunction with the data traces in the Analysis program, so I understand I will need a video licence.

I am aiming to get another racer to also get the same setup so that we can compare data and both improve our times, but I read somewhere (can't find where) that the way the video licence works it may restrict us from doing that - something to do with encoding the DL1 serial number in the file.

So : With two drivers, each with their own DL1, their own 3rd party camera and their own video licence - is there any restriction which would prevent the data from the two drives being compared side by side in the Analysis program with the relevant video file attached to each ?




Postby Support » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:35 pm

Hi Jimmy,

You are absolutely right, the video licence relates to the logger - so you can install the software on as many PCs as you like, but you can only use video in combination with the DL1 data that has the licence. If you have data from 2 DL1s in 1 analysis session, you will be able to see video from the one that is licenced, and the other will be blocked.

We thought lng and hard about how to do the licencing in a way that was fair and thought that locking it to a logger rather than a PC made more sense as most customers want to use it on a old (track) laptop and their home PC.

Kind regards,


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