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Careful if u upgrade PC or reload Parallels (Mac)...Repurchase

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:32 pm
by Stan
I'm going on three purchases for personal use as license transfers are not a thing.

Most expensive software I own, over time.

It does run wonderfully on Win11/ARM I can say and the Macbook Pro M1Pro truly rocks it.

If you have to revise your Parallels install or certain Windows OS reinstalls you will have to buy another license!

So try to go thru the various parallels and windows install options without buying this software, then once you finalize things a purchase is safer. See this can involve redoing Windows a few times, which to GoPRo Analysis looks like a new install on a new laptop with a new user needing a new license. Even though the same person on the same laptop on the same day or week revised the laptop.
Mac.jpg (86.67 KiB) Viewed 20207 times

Re: Careful if u upgrade PC or reload Parallels (Mac)...Repurchase

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:37 pm
by Stan
Just did another Win11 install...holding off on another analysis software purchase for awhile. With windows betas and parallels install option revisions I will likely need 2-3 more analysis software purchases this year. For the same laptop, same private individual etc.

Re: Careful if u upgrade PC or reload Parallels (Mac)...Repurchase

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:47 pm
by Stan
Ok doing an update to the Parallels software on my Mac, which seems to then require a reinstall of Windows 11 ARM.

This will then require purchasing yet another GoPro software license for the same long term RT use (over 20 years) on the same laptop, just a few months later.

Any suggestions?


Re: Careful if u upgrade PC or reload Parallels (Mac)...Repurchase

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:15 pm
by Greg Amy
Any suggestions?
Buy VMWare Workstation.

Install all your licensed products into the VM instance.

Move the VM instance to whatever asset you're using at the time.
