Incomplete/non-readable run files in Analysis

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Incomplete/non-readable run files in Analysis

Postby 924RACR » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:37 pm

Not so much a problem as an observation that might help others... it would seem that the latest version of 8 may have better facilities for managing potentially incomplete or troubled run files?

I have had some run files recently that didn't open on one computer running an older version of software (actually leftover 8 Beta install) that I am able to load without issue in the current/latest released version of 8! In the Beta, I got the error that it wasn't a recognized run file. Note that this was the raw data .run file directly from the logger; I didn't modify and re-save it in 8.

So, good to see (and a good kick in the butt for me to update that obsolete SW version), and perhaps a good reason/reminder for others to update to the latest version, since it appears that progress dealing with troubled run files has improved...

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