External auxiliary channel
Channel Number | 74 |
Total Length | 5 bytes |
Channel | Data1 | Data2 | Data3 | Checksum |
Sensor location = Data1
Channel number
| Default use for race applications
| Default use for industrial appliations
| Throttle Position
| External Auxiliary channel 1
| Lambda 1 Short Term Trim
| External Auxiliary channel 2
| Lambda 2 Short Term Trim
| External Auxiliary channel 3
| Lambda 1 Long Term Trim
| External Auxiliary channel 4
| Lambda 2 Long Term Trim
| External Auxiliary channel 5
| Fuel Inj 1 Pulse Width
| DGPS Corr Age
| Fuel inj 2 PW
| GSM status
| Fuel inj 3 PW
| GSM Rxed
| Fuel inj 4 PW
| Data buffered
| Fuel inj 5 PW
| Movement level
| Fuel inj 6 PW
| Movement count
| Fuel inj 7 PW
| Time to survey
| Fuel inj 8 PW
| ADAS pos status
| Fuel inj 1 cut
| GSM Txed
| Fuel inj 2 cut
| GPS mode
| Fuel inj 3 cut
| External Auxiliary channel 16
| Fuel inj 4 cut
| Satellite status
| Fuel inj 5 cut
| Corrections status
| Fuel inj 6 cut
| RTCM type
| Fuel inj 7 cut
| INS accuracy
| Fuel inj 8 cut
| INS offset Y
| Ignition cut
| INS offset X
| ISBV 1 open
| INS offset Z
| ISBV 2 Open
| INS speed acc
| Nitrous
| INS yaw acc
| Auxiliary 1
| SB GNSS status
| Auxiliary 2
| INS convergence
| Auxiliary 3
| Sat count
| Auxiliary 4
| Sat count mod 2
| Fuel aux temp comp
| SB trigger state
| Fuel aux volt comp
| ACB conv
Data has a resolution of 0.1 and a range of -3276.8 to 3276.7
If Data3 & 0x80 = 1, Output = - (65536- (Data2 + Data3 x 2^8))/10
Else Output = (Data2 + Data3 x 2^8)/10
The following external auxiliary data channels are output by the SPEEDBOX, SPEEDBOX-INS, GPS2, RTK BASE STATION, RTLive and/or VIDEO4HD.
External auxiliary channel 5:
External auxiliary channel 6:
- Time since last differential correction (GPS2 and SPEEDBOX only)
- Outputs time in seconds since last incoming differential correction.
- A value of 60 or greater implies that corrections have effectively ceased.
External auxiliary channel 7:
- RTLive connection status (RTLive only)
| this is the state at start up
| GSM is confirmed as powered off
| GSM waiting for a power up
| powering up the GSM module
| GSM module is powered up
| Comms between GSM module and processor are okay
| SIM card has been detected and communicates, note this doesn't mean it has credit etc, only that there is a SIM card
| GSM module is operational
| detected a valid GSM radio signal, antenna is okay
| RT live has logged onto the network, this indicates the SIM card is valid, although at this stage we do not know if connection to the internet is possible or that it has credit available etc
| RT live is connected to the data service
| RT live is connected to the internet
| RT Live has connected to the Race Technology server
| RT live has logged onto a Race Technology cloud account
| RT live unit is transmitting GPS position to the Race Technology Cloud server
| RT live unit is receiving RTCM corrections from the Race Technology cloud server
| RT live unit is outputting RTCM corrections received from the server on the serial data port
| RT live unit uploading RTCM corrections to the server
External auxiliary channel 8:
- Data rate from the RT live to the cloud server (upload rate) in Kbit/sec (RTLive only)
External auxiliary channel 9:
- Number or data chunks in memory waiting for upload to the cloud server. (RTLive only)
External auxiliary channel 10:
- Movement detection count (RTLive only)
- Bit 0 indicates the Yaw lock is active
- Bit 1 indicates the low speed clamp is active
External auxiliary channel 11:
- Time since last movement in seconds (RTLive only)
- Time to complete current high precision survey in minutes (Base station only)
External auxiliary channel 12: (Base station only)
| Advanced GPS module not detected
| Standard standalone 20Hz mode
| Advanced 5Hz rover RTK mode
| start conditions not yet met
| determining initial position
| initial high precision survey in progress
| Corrections being generation in relative positioning mode
| Corrections being generation in absolute positioning mode
| Corrections being generation in operation absolute positioning mode and updating survey
External auxiliary channel 13:
- 2nd unit status, used in 2 car ADAS applications (RT live only)
| no 2nd unit considered
| Receiving 2nd vehicle GPS messages on the serial port from an SB = 1
| Uploading 2nd vehicle GPS messages to the server
| receiving 2nd vehicle GPS messages on the serial port and the server
External auxiliary channel 14:
- Data from the cloud server to the RT live (download rate) in kBytes/s (RTLive only)
External auxiliary channel 15:
- GPS operation mode (RTLive only)
| no GPS solution
| using GPS solution from an external source uses standard (not #108) messages
| using GPS from an external receiver using GPS message 108
| using GPS from an external receiver using CAN **NOT implemented**
| using standard internal GPS receiver
| using high performance, high sensitivity internal GPS receiver
| using internal RTK GPS receiver, currently in standard solution mode
| using internal RTK GPS receiver, currently in float solution mode
| using internal RTK GPS receiver, currently in RTK (2cm) solution mode
External auxiliary channel 16:
- File index (VIDEO4HD only)
Currently recording file index of the camera (1 to 31)
- GSM Signal delay (RTLive only)
This is the estimated propagation delay from the RT Live unit to the server, this is a good indication of signal strength and quality.
External auxiliary channel 17:
- GNSS observables status (GPS2 and RT Live only)
Each 4 bits of this message indicate the number of good observables (in the range 0..15) being generated by the unit's internal GNSS receiver for each of 4 GNSS constellation/frequency combinations as indicated below:
bits 0..3: Number of GPS L1 good observables
bits 4..7: Number of GPS L2 good observables
bits 8..11: Number of GLONASS L1 good observables
bits 12..15: Number of GLONASS L2 good observables
External auxiliary channel 18:
- Incoming corrections observables status (GPS2 and RT Live only)
Each 4 bits of this message indicate the number of good observables (in the range 0..15) received as incoming correction data for each of 4 GNSS constellation/frequency combinations as indicated below:
bits 0..3: Number of GPS L1 good observables
bits 4..7: Number of GPS L2 good observables
bits 8..11: Number of GLONASS L1 good observables
bits 12..15: Number of GLONASS L2 good observables
External auxiliary channel 19:
- RTCM incoming corrections status (SPEEDBOX, GPS2 and RT Live only)
The format of this message is dependent on whether it has been transmitted by a SPEEDBOX or by a GPS2.
For the
SPEEDBOX, the raw unscaled 16 bit value contains the message type of the last rtcm v3 message received. A value of zero indicates a checksum error. One auxiliary message 74.19 is output for every rtcm correction message received.
For the
GPS2, auxiliary message 74.19 is output at intermittent intervals, and the raw u16 value is interpreted as a bit-field where each set bit indicates that that correction type has been received at least once since the last output of this message. The messages indicated by each bit are:
bit 0: rtcm v3 message 1001
bit 1: rtcm v3 message 1002
bit 2: rtcm v3 message 1003
bit 3: rtcm v3 message 1004
bit 4: rtcm v3 message 1005
bit 5: rtcm v3 message 1006
bit 6: rtcm v3 message 1007
bit 7: rtcm v3 message 1008
bit 8: rtcm v3 message 1009
bit 9: rtcm v3 message 1010
bit 10: rtcm v3 message 1011
bit 11: rtcm v3 message 1012
bit 12: Any other rtcm v3 message not listed above
bit 13: Any rtcm v2 message
bit 14: Reserved
bit 15: rtcm CRC error detected
External auxiliary channel 20:
- INS overall accuracy (SPEEDBOX-INS only)
INS overall accuracy [%]
External auxiliary channel 21: Output offset forward
Forward output offset in cm. +ve for forward, -ve for backward.
External auxiliary channel 22: Output offset right
Right output offset in cm. +ve for right, -ve for left.
External auxiliary channel 23: Output offset down'''
Down (below) output offset in cm. +ve for down, -ve for up.
External auxiliary channel 24: Combined speed accuracy (SPEEDBOX-INS only)
spd_acc [ms/s] * 100
External auxiliary channel 25: Yaw accuracy (SPEEDBOX-INS only)
yaw_acc [degrees] * 100
External auxiliary channel 26: GPS status
GPS Status codes:
0: GPS module not detected
1: Searching for satellites
2: Insufficient satellites
3: Solution aborted
4: Solution failed
5: Exceeded maximum speed or altitude
6: Unused
7: Unused
8: Unused
9: Unused
10: Lock: Position but no speed
11: Lock: Doppler speed and position
12: Lock: Carrier speed and position
20: External solution: No lock
21: External solution: Standalone (autonomous) solution
22: External solution: Solution corrected with WAAS/SBAS
23: External solution: Code differential (DGPS) solution
24: External solution: Phase differential (RTK) solution with float ambiguities
25: External solution: Phase differential (RTK) solution with integer ambiguities
External auxiliary channel 27: INS convergence (SPEEDBOX-INS only)
0->99%, INS not converged, convergence progress from 0.05 to 0.01 kf_convergence.
100%, INS converged.
External auxiliary channel 28: Number of satellites (module 1)
Number of satellites
External auxiliary channel 29: Number of satellites (module 2)
Number of satellites
External auxiliary channel 30: Trigger input state
The state of the external trigger, note that this is only provided as a convenience for testing the operation of the trigger - do not use for timing.
External auxiliary channel 31: acb_convergence (SPEEDBOX-INS only)
This is the current error weighting for brake distance, this is used by the RT run processor software
When “output and log advanced status messages” is disabled in the RT live firmware, it only outputs the following on alternative messages as set out below.
- External auxiliary channel 48 RTLive connection status (moved from #7 above)
- External auxiliary channel 49 RT Live data upload rate in Kbit/sec (moved from #8 above)
- External auxiliary channel 50 GSM Signal delay (moved from #16 above)