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ECUType / Porsche-991GT3Gen2

Porsche - 991 GT3 Gen2


Compatible with RT live, RTSS, DL1 CLUB/PRO, DASH2pro


Deutsch DTM Series 12 Pin Way Connector Male DTM04-12PA required - Available from Race Technology:

ECU configuration

No ECU configuration required

Channel listing

ECU Name Race Technology message Race Technology Default name Race Technology VAR number Resolution
ECU_RPM frequency 1 Engine speed (ECU) VAR_1500 rpm
ECU_Gear aux 13 Fuel inj 8 PW VAR_2012 #
ECU_Throttle aux 2 Lambda 1 short trim VAR_2001 0.10%
ECU_BrkF aux 30 Fuel aux temp comp VAR_2029 kPa
ECU_Asteer angle 3 Steering angle VAR_3002 deg
ECU_YawRate yaw rate yaw rate VAR_0070 deg/s
ECU_Speed misc 4 Speed from the ECU VAR_4003 km/h .1
ECU_WheelFL Aux 14 Fuel inj 1 cut VAR_2013 km/h .1
ECU_WheelFR Aux 15 Fuel inj 2 cut VAR_2014 km/h .1
ECU_WheelRL Aux 16 Fuel inj 3 cut VAR_2015 km/h .1
ECU_WheelRR Aux 17 Fuel inj 4 cut VAR_2016 km/h .1
ECU_BrkR Aux 32 Auxiliary 32 VAR_2031 kPa
ECU_FuelLev Aux 3 Lambda 2 short trim VAR_2002 l .1
ECU_BrkR Aux 4 Lambda 1 long trim VAR_2003 #
ECU_Lam misc 1 Lambda 1 VAR_4000 lambda .001
ECU_Lam2 misc 2 Lambda 2 VAR_4001 lambda .001
ECU_MapPos Aux 26 Auxiliary 1 VAR_2025 #
ECU_PAmb pressure 1 Ambient air pressure VAR_3500 mbar
ECU_PFuel pressure 3 Fuel pressure VAR_3502 bar .1
ECU_PRail pressure 2 Oil pressure VAR_3501 bar
ECU_PRail2 pressure 4 coolant pressure VAR_3503 bar
ECU_TPSPad Aux 1 Throttle position VAR_2000 %
ECU_TInt temperature 16 ECU temp VAR_1015 °C
ECU_FuelCons Aux 12 Fuel inj 7 PW VAR_2011 l .1
ECU_TMot temperature 8 coolant temp VAR_1007 °C
ECU_AccX long accel long accel VAR_0002 g .1
ECU_AccY lat accel lat accel VAR_0004 g .1
ECU_AccZ vert accel vert accel VAR_0006 g .1
ECU_LapNum Aux 40 Auxiliary 40 VAR_2039 #
ECU_LapTime Aux 41 Auxiliary 41 VAR_2040 0.1 s

Variable file

Base variable file available in factory Race Technology V10 cloud area.

  • Variable file contains correct channel naming and units for ECU channels. Open variable manager software and load new variable from menu.

CAN configuration

File available on the cloud.

Page last modified on January 27, 2020, at 07:38 AM