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ECUType / HKSF-CONVProV3-0And3-1

HKS F-CON V Pro V3.0/3.1


  • HKS F-CON V Pro V3.0
  • HKS F-CON V Pro V3.1


Baud rate needs to be configured to 57600
DIPSW (8-1, left-to-right):
6: serial baud rate:
ON: 57600
OFF: 38400
RJ11 port: left - Gray, RS232


Pin Colour Description   Description pin
2 YELLOW Tx Rx 2
3 Black Rx Tx 3

Note: picture above uses pin 3-Tx and pin 2-Rx to match ribbon cable.

Data Channel Listing:

ECU Message Name Race Technology Data Channel Resolution of Data
Throttle Position Throttle Position (aux 1) 1%
Engine Coolant Temperature Coolant temp (temperature 8) 1 degree C
IAT Ambient air temp (temperature 1) 1 degree C
MAP Boost pressure (pressure 5) 1mbar
A/F Ratio Lambda 1 (misc 1) 0.01
EGT Exhaust 1 temp (temperature 17) 1 degree C
Battery Voltage Battery voltage (misc 3) 0.01v
Vehicle Speed Auxiliary 1 (aux 26) 1kph
RPM Change Auxiliary 2 (aux 27) 1 rpm
Throttle Change Auxiliary 3 (aux 28) 0.10%
Injection MAIN Fuel inj 1 PW on (measured time 1) 1us
Ignition MAIN Ignition angle (angle 2) 1 degree C
Injection SUB Fuel inj 2 PW on (measured time 2) 1us
Ignition SUB Throttle angle (angle 1) 1 degree C
ISCV Step Auxiliary 4 (aux 29) 1 step
Injection Twin Fuel inj 1 PW (aux 6) 0.10%
Fuel sum Fuel inj 3 PW on (measured time 3) 1uS

Not all channels listed in the table above may be available from your ECU. The available data channels vary with the vehicle model, year of manufacture & connected sensors.

Page last modified on August 19, 2021, at 06:50 PM