RT_INS_Lat_Dist_To_End_Mark: Marker Validity Flags and INS Lateral Distance to End Marker Impact
RT_INS_Lat_Dist_To_End_Mark: 142, 29 (0x8E2320 + unit id) (0x3A3)
Bytes 0:
Bit 0: End marker validity flag
Bit 1: End marker impact flag
Bytes 4-7: INS Lateral distance to end marker impact (m)
End marker validity flag is 1 if an end marker has been configured AND the vehicle is within range (1000m longitudinally, 100m laterally) of the marker, 0 otherwise.
End marker impact flag is 1 if the vehicle is travelling towards impact with the end marker, 0 otherwise.
Distance to impact resolution is m/1000.
Sign convention:
+ve: Impact to right
-ve: Impact to left