RT_INS_STATUS: INS Status Information
RT_INS_Status: 142, 0 (0x8E0020 + unit id) (0x380)
Byte 0: INS status
Byte 1: INS full accuracy flag
Byte 2: INS overall accuracy [%]
Bytes 3-7: Currently unused
INS status codes:
0: INS uninitialised
1: INS initialised
2: INS converged
3: Stationary lock applied
INS full accuracy flag:
0 when INS overall accuracy < 100%
1 when INS overall accuracy = 100%
INS overall accuracy:
A value of 100% indicates that full accuracy has been achieved
A value greater than zero but less than 100% indicates that data is available but that accuracy would be increased by further dynamic manoeuvring prior to testing.
A value of zero indicates that data is not currently available