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RTAnalysisRunManager / VideoSetupTab

Video Setup.

The video setup tab of the run manager allows the user:

  • To load in video files to be associated with a particular run file
  • In the case of video from 3rd party systems, manually or automatically synchronise them.

The analysis program checks the selected run file, if it contains synchronisation information then it expects a video file from a VIDEO4 and does not allow the user to manually synchronise the data and video. If the run file contains no video synchronisation information, then it assumes that it is from a data logger and that the video if therefore from a 3rd party video recorder that will require manual or automatic synchronisation.

Loading in a video file from a VIDEO4.

When the analysis program detects that the run files includes video synchronisation information, then it assumes that the video file is going to be from the VIDEO4 and so no additional synchronisation is required. In this case the video tab of the run manager will look similar to this:

Loading in a video file from a 3rd party video recorder.

Loading in data from a GoPro

There is more information about loading in video from a GoPro video system included here.

Note that once the video is loaded, it needs to be syncronised with the data; More information is available here.

Page last modified on December 13, 2018, at 02:19 PM