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  • MP25


This data protocol is valid for data speeds of 9600 baud or 115200 baud, which can be set within the KMS software.

Default baud rate after reset is 115200 bit/sec.


This ECU must be connected via RS232 (serial) connections:

Connect the Race Technology ECU Serial Interface directly to the ECU communication port.

If using a data logger or dashboard with direct connection capability i.e. not requiring our ECU Serial Interface, use the following ECU port pinouts:

Data Channel Listing

ECU Message Name Race Technology Data Channel Resolution of Data
Engine speed RPM (Engine RPM) 25 RPM
Battery Voltage Battery voltage (misc 3) 0.01 V
Air to Fuel Ratio Lambda 1 (misc 1) 0.01 lambda
Water temp Coolant temp (temperature 8) 0.1 oC
Air Temp Ambient air temp (temperature 1) 0.1 oC
Boost pressure Boost pressure (pressure 5) 0.1 kPa
Oil pressure Oil pressure (pressure 2) 0.1 kPa
Ignition angle Ignition angle (angle 2) 0.1o
Inject pulse time Fuel inj 1 PW on (measured time 1) µs

Not all channels listed in the table above may be available from your ECU. The available data channels vary with the vehicle model, year of manufacture & connected sensors.

Page last modified on October 28, 2021, at 10:16 AM