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LoadingAndSaving / MarkerAndSectorInformation

Loading And Saving Marker And Sector Information


Once you have set up your Lap and Track Markers and Sectors, you can save the information for later use. These marker and sector information get saved in the "Lap and Track Marker" file format (.LAP). To save the markers for a specific circuit go to File > Advanced load/saves > Save markers/sectors.

This will open the below save dialog:

After selecting a directory and entering a file name, click on the "Save" button to save the current markers and sectors to the selected directory.


To load up some pre-defined track markers and sectors, go to File > Advanced load/saves > Load markers/sectors.

This will open the below open dialog:

Select the .LAP file you wish to load and then click on "Open" to load the markers and the sectors on to your loaded circuit.

Please note that any track markers that don't cross the run will be deleted as they cannot give any readings. This will also delete the attached sectors.

Page last modified on January 09, 2019, at 12:46 PM