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GPSMessages / 0RTGPSStatus

RT_GPS_Status Firmware version and GPS status information

RT_GPS_Status: 140, 0 (0x8C0020 + unit id) (0x300)

Byte 0: GPS status
Byte 1: Firmware version major
Byte 2: Firmware version intermediate
Byte 3: Firmware version minor
Byte 4: Number of satellites used
Byte 5: Number of satellites used by second GPS receiver (Dual antenna units only)
Byte 6: Number of common satellites (Dual antenna units only)
Byte 7: MB-RTK status (Dual antenna units only)
GPS status codes:
0: GPS module not detected
1: Searching for satellites
2: Insufficient satellites
3: Solution aborted
4: Solution failed
5: Exceeded maximum speed or altitude
6: Unused
7: Unused
8: Unused
9: Unused
10: Lock: Position but no speed
11: Lock: Doppler speed and position
12: Lock: Carrier speed and position
20: No lock
21: Standalone (autonomous) solution
22: Solution corrected with WAAS/SBAS
23: Code differential (DGPS) solution
24: Phase differential (RTK) solution with float ambiguities
25: Phase differential (RTK) solution with integer ambiguities
MB-RTK status codes (Dual antenna units only):
0: Not attempting RTK solution
1: Insufficient common satellites
2: MB-RTK solution failed
3: MB-RTK solution OK
4: Multiple MB-RTK solutions found
Page last modified on March 01, 2022, at 06:53 AM