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LiveMonitor / SpeedProfile

Speed Profiles

Live Monitor supports using the speed profiles (driving cycles). A Speed profile is a series of data points representing the speed of a vehicle versus time. Speed profiles help drivers to stay within speed bounds by displaying the speed ahead of time, so he/she can prepare to accelerate or brake when needed. They also help to assess the performance of vehicles in various ways, as for example fuel consumption and total emissions.

Live Monitor speed profile data is stored in comma delimited files that can be opened using either a text editor or a spreadsheet program. (MS Excel, Google Drive, Apache OpenOffice...)

A speed profile file consists of the following columns:

  • Time
  • Lower limit
  • Optimum speed
  • Upper limit
  • Prompt (this column is optional)

Using speed profiles with Live Monitor

1. Use the Speed Profile -> Load Speed Profile menu item to load a speed profile file to the live monitor. (Note: This should be done before connecting to a data source (USB, Serial etc..)

Once the file is loaded, Live monitor displays a summary of the loaded profile with the total duration of the speed profile and the maximum speed.

2. Then connect Live Monitor to the data source (USB, Serial …)

3. Click on the Speed Profile -> Start Running speed profile menu item to start the speed profile and to display the "Speed profile" dialog.

Note: You can also start, restart, or stop the loaded speed profile using a script.

4. Speed profile dialog consists of two sections;

  • "Prompts" section displays the prompts in the speed profile
  • Graph control displays speed profile data (minimum, maximum and target values as well as the actual speed as lines.
    • Target speed is displayed in green
    • Upper and lower limits are displayed in red
    • Actual speed is displayed in Blue.

5. Restarting and Stopping the speed profile can be done using Restart Speed Profile and Stop Running Speed profile menu items respectively.

Starting and stopping a speed profile using script keywords

You can start and stop the loaded speed profile using the following script keywords:

  • RestartSpeedProfile – Start or Restart a speed profile
  • StopSpeedProfile – Stops the speed profile

When you start a speed profile using a script, Speed profile dialog will not be shown. Instead, the actual speed and the prompts will be displayed in the bottom section of the "Scripted tests" pane.

Page last modified on July 12, 2021, at 05:30 PM