Translation Manager
Starting from the V10 of software, Race Technology added multi-language support for all their applications. Translations of supported languages are stored in a set of files (one file for each language). When a user select his/her preferred language by using the language selection drop down menu in RT program launcher, related file will be loaded, and user interface will be in the selected language.
Since translations are obtained using the “Google Translation service”, some translations may not give correct meaning to the users and may contain translation errors. Translation manger is used to view and modify those machine translated strings.
by using Translation manger you can:
- View, edit and save translations
- Sorting translations in alphabetical order
- Searching text
- Automatically translate text
- Import/Export language files
Opening the program
Click “Translation Manager” link in the RT Program launcher to open the program.
Enter the program password when the prompt appears. (Please contact Race Technology for the password)