Video frame index
Channel Number
| 104
Total Length
| 9 bytes
| Data1
| Data2
| Data3
| Data4
| Data5
| Data6
| Data7
| Checksum
If (Data6 & 0x80) = 0,
Video frame index = Data4 * 2^24 + Data3 * 2^16 + Data2 * 2^8 + Data1
If (Data6 & 0x80) = 1,
Video PTS = Data1 * 2^24 + Data2 * 2^16 + Data3 * 2^8 + Data4
CPU load = Data5 * 0.5 (from 0 to 127.5%)
If (Data6 & 0x40) = 0,
Free A/V buffers = Data6 and 0x0F (from 0 to 15)
If (Data6 & 0x40) = 1,
Percentage of free net buffers = ((Data6 & 0x38) >> 3) x 14.285
Percentage of free disk buffers = (Data6 & 0x07) x 14.285
If (Data6 & 0x40) = 0,
Free MPG CF write blocks = Data7
If (Data6 & 0x40) = 1,
Camera index = ((Data7 & 0xE0) >> 5) (0 to 7)
File index = Data7 & 0x1F (1 to 31)
Camera Index and File Index:
When there are multiple cameras present in a system such as RT Network Video Recorder (NVR), the data will be mapped to video file using the Camera index field. And for a camera, when there are multiple files present due to automatic splitting at 2GB file limit, the file index will be stored to File index field.
Auxiliary output:
Percentage of free net buffers, Percentage of free disk buffers, Camera Index & File index are displayed in External auxiliary channels 13, 14, 15 & 16 respectively.