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ECUType / MBE941SerialInterface

MBE 941


Race Technology ECU interface

ECU connector

Tx 3
Rx 2
Gnd 5

MBE 941 Main 55 Pin ECU Connector


9 Pin Connector

(Inside 941 or rear of 956)


MBE Standard Harness Interface


PC Connector

9 way D Type

TXD (Serial ECU TXD data) 45 2 2 2
RCV (Serial ECU RCV data) 46 3 3 3
Fuel Trim 47 6 6 -
Ignition Trim 10 7 7 -
Ground 7 1 1 5
  • Connect MBE 941 TXD to Race Technology Rx

ECU configuration

  • ECU must be configured to 19.2k baud rate
  • Channel order in data link must be set as below
  • Scaling or channels must be set as below
Word Parameter Scaling
1 Engine Speed 16 bit
2 Ignition 8 bit
3 Injection Time 16 bit
4 Throttle Angle 8 bit
5 Coolant Temp 8 bit
6 Air Temp 8 bit
7 Baro Pressure 8 bit
8 Lambda 8 bit
9 Ri 16 bit
10 Oil Pressure 8 bit
11 Fuel Pressure 8 bit
12 Water Pressure 8 bit
13 Engine Oil Temp 8 bit
14 Gearbox Oil Temp 8 bit
15 Boost Pressure 8 bit
16 Spare Channel  

Channel listings

ECU Name Race Technology message Race Technology Default name Race Technology VAR number Resolution
Engine Speed Engine RPM RPM VAR_0010 25 RPM
Ignition angle 2 Ignition angle VAR_3001 0.1o
Injection time measured time 1 Fuel inj 1 PW on VAR_2500 1 ms
Throttle angle 1 Throttle angle VAR_3000 0.1o
Coolant temperature temperature 8 Water temp VAR_1007 0.1 oC
Air temperature temperature 1 temperature 1 VAR_1000 0.1 oC
Barometric pressure pressure 1 Ambient air pressure VAR_3500 1 mBar
lambda misc 1 Lambda 1 VAR_4000 0.01 lambda
Oil pressure pressure 2 Oil pressure VAR_3501 1 mBar
Fuel pressure pressure 3 Fuel pressure VAR_3502 1 mBar
Water pressure pressure 4 Water pressure VAR_3503 1 mBar
Engine oil temperature temperature 9 Oil temp VAR_1008 0.1 oC
Gearbox oil temperature temperature 10 Gearbox temp VAR_1009 0.1 oC
Boost pressure pressure 5 Boost pressure VAR_3504 1 mBar

Note - Not all channels listed in the table(s) above may be available from your ECU. This can be dependent on the vehicle model & year of manufacture.

Page last modified on May 13, 2019, at 07:41 PM